An Ounce of Planning is a Pound of… – Pesach Calendar

Routine is a cornerstone for all children, but particularly for children with ASD. Pesach is a massive break in that routine. No school – no structure.

Helping your child familiarize themselves with what to expect on Pesach, will help them stay regulated and keep them feeling like they are part of the process.

For example, printing the calendar, hanging it on the wall or fridge, and together with your child or children, going through and writing what the plans are for each day.

Think of the exceptions as well. Expecting rain? Add a raincheck option. So then when it does rain, there’s no meltdown, instead there is processing and even excitement at the alternative option.

Print our free Pesach calendar below!

TIP: If you don’t have a printer, OR if you want to print a jumbo size so you have more space to write on, download it and print it online with Staples!

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