Two hands dipping

The 4 Questions Game – Mah Nishtana Cards

Everyone wants a chance to stand up on the chair and say the Mah Nishtana, and for a kid this could be a very significant moment. They may get flustered from the attention and lose their words, then get frustrated when they forget the order or the words to say.

To make it easier, use Mah Nishtana que cards – the first card being the first half, and the second card being the second half. For example, “all vegetables” vs “Marror”, and “sitting” vs “leaning”.

You can hand them to him one at a time, or give them to him in a stack that he can flip through.

Alternatively, for even younger children, you can set up a Mah Nishtana matching game, but instead of the cards being flipped upside down, they should all be flipped up so they are visible, and the child can match the beginnings and endings to build his sentence.

Print out our Mah Nishtana que cards! Use them for the seder and all Pesach-round 🙂

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